Hello! Welcome! This is my site! Yay!
My name is Wesley, and I like to create, play, and watch fun things.
My primary interest is making entertaining YouTube gaming videos, and I have been at it since 2011.
However, my main main hustle has been to create media of all forms: games, songs, applications, mods, etc.
Here, you can find all that I'm working on.

Feel free to check out any of my pages and see what you might like.

  • 07/04/2024: New FastGH3 build: 1.0-999011043
  • 07/04/2023: New FastGH3 build: 1.0-999010889
  • 04/05/2023: FastGH3 mod: JORSpy
  • 10/29/2022: New FastGH3 build: 1.0-999010723
  • 05/07/2022: New FastGH3 build: 1.0-999010574
  • 01/28/2022: New program: QDB
  • 12/21/2021: New website layout
  • 12/10/2021: 10th Anniversary of YouTube videos
New videos: More...