qBittorrent is a cross-platform free and open-source BitTorrent client written in native C++.
Some of the features present in qBittorrent include:
* Bandwidth scheduler
* Bind all traffic to a specific interface
* Control over torrents, trackers and peers (torrents queueing and prioritizing and torrent content selection and prioritizing)
* DHT, PEX, encrypted connections, LPD, UPnP, NAT-PMP port forwarding support, µTP, magnet links, private torrents, v4.6.0 added (experimental) * I2P support
* IP filtering: file types eMule dat or PeerGuardian
* IPv6 support
* Integrated RSS feed reader (with advanced download filters) and downloader
* Integrated torrent search engine (simultaneous search in many torrent search sites and category-specific search requests, such as books, music and software)
* Remote control through a secure web user interface
* Sequential downloading (download in order). Enables "streaming" media files
* Super-seeding option
* Torrent creation tool
* Torrent queuing, filtering and prioritizing
* Unicode support, available in ≈70 languages
rip in kill µtorrent